
CherryTap Morphin’ Avatars

Filed under: Company,Experiments — animaniac

tn_1606638078.gifcherrytap is billed as the “Internet’s first online pub,” and they don’t mean publication. Seems like Morpheus has become a hit among a bunch of the early adoptors of cherrytap, for creating cutting-edge animated user images. cherrytap_logo.gifIt seems to help the community stay one step ahead of their obvious model, MySpace, as all things that come out of the Bay Area are slightly ahead of the curve in terms of style, innovation and sheer audacity. In any case, they’re open 24/7 (though still in stealth mode), and the party never stops. Morpheus at small size works well too – why have a static photo when you can self-display using a sophisticated animation created with Morpheus? We didn’t think of it, but we like it! Users always push the product to limits the developer-creators never dreamed of, and that’s a good thing. Tap into that!

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